La “HR Strategy for Researchers” è un insieme di iniziative finalizzate a dare attuazione alla Carta europea dei ricercatori e al Codice di condotta per il loro reclutamento (C&C), un corpus di principi sanciti dall’Unione Europea che regolano diritti e doveri degli enti di ricerca/università e dei ricercatori in ogni fase della propria carriera.
L’adozione di una strategia conferme ai suddetti documenti si colloca in quella più ampia di Ateneo volta al riposizionamento delle attività di ricerca in ambito nazionale ed internazionale e consente di implementare un percorso più sostenibile per la carriera dei ricercatori, secondo le raccomandazioni europee.
La Commissione Europea, in riconoscimento dell’impegno dell’Università di Foggia nella promozione di politiche di gestione delle risorse umane coerenti con i principi della C&C ha conferito all’Ateneo la certificazione “Excellence in Research” in data 10 marzo 2010.
Prof. Giuseppe Troiano, Rector’s Delegate for the HR Strategy
- Prof. Giuseppe Troiano, Delegato Rettorale Strategia HR
- Dott.ssa Anna Romagno (Area Economica), nominata in rappresentanza della categoria R1
- Dott.ssa Federica Nardelli (Area Giuridica), nominata in rappresentanza della categoria R1
- Dott.ssa Mariagiovanna Fragasso (Area Agraria), nominata in rappresentanza della categoria R2
- Dott. Michele Russo (Area Umanistica), nominato in rappresentanza della categoria R3
- Prof. Giuseppe Maccagnano (Area Medico-chirurgica), nominato in rappresentanza della categoria R4
Segretario verbalizzante
- Dott.ssa Maria Pia di Giuseppe, responsabile amministrativo dell’Unità Strategia HR.
- February 2009: a Technical Working Group (TWG) was formed and It was composed of researchers, professors and administrative staff . The TWG have had to draw up a draft proposal of HRS according to the IA results;
- April 2009, the IA, for a wider possible diffusion, was matched with the “research quota 2009” (provided by the institution after the monitoring of each researcher activities) and so diffused to 164 researchers, 93 associated professors and 93 full professors. For early stage researchers (postgraduate students or researchers)
- June – September 2009: a draft proposal of HRS was drawn up according to the data analysis of IA and the recommendations of TWG. In this way, the main gaps were identified and actions were planned to address these issues and a final proposal of HRS was sent to all Departments of Foggia University to receive their approbations or eventual integrations/modifications. On February 2010, the final proposal HRS was approved in Senate;
- March 2010, there was the acknowledgement by European Commission and the use of logo “HR Excellence in Research”;
- August 2012, the European Commission approved the UNIFG's self-assessment and allowed the UNIFG continuing to use of HR logo;
- November 2012, the new version of HR Strategy was discussed and approved in Senate, the HR strategy was updated and approved by the Academic Senate on November 2013 and again on May 2014;
- July 2014, evaluation of HR assessors to confirm the acknowledgement of the title HR (Institute for Excellence in Human Resources Management);
- January 2015, the European Commission, communicated to the University of Foggia the positive outcome of the inspection and so the confirmation of its recognition as Human Resources Excellence in Research and the possibility to continue of using the "HR" logo;
- November 2017, the Academic Senate approved the update HRS4R 2017, integrated and elaborated in accordance with the assessor’ recommendations and the " strengthened HRS4R” entered into force on 1 January 2017, which incorporates the principles of open, transparent and meritorious recruitment of researchers (OTM_R);
- May 2018: the Academic Senate approved the revision of HRS4R 2017, improved in some parts according to the suggestions of the European Commission of March 2018, and the internal review related to the period 2015-2017;
- May 2019: evaluation of HR assessors to confirm the acknowledgement of the title HR (Institute for Excellence in Human Resources Management);
- October 2019 the European Commission, communicated to the University of Foggia the positive outcome of the inspection and so the confirmation of its recognition as Human Resources.
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Area Ricerca - Unità Strategia HR
Palazzo Ateneo
via Gramsci 89/91 - 71122 Foggia
Tel. 0881 338434 - [email protected]
Delegato Rettorale Strategia HR:
Prof. Giuseppe Troiano
Responsabile amministrativo:
Dott.ssa Maria Pia Di Giuseppe