- Official registration – Take part in our Welcome day
- Permit of stay - only for non-EU Students
- Take part in the welcome day
Before your arrival, the International Relations Service will send to you the dates and place of our Welcome day.
Remember to bring:
- Copy of your passport or ID Card
- Copy of your OLA learning agreement
All non-EU students need to apply for a Permit of Stay (permesso di soggiorno) within 8 days after their arrival in Italy.
Bring the following documents:
- Photocopy of all the pages of your passport (also blank pages)
- Photocopy of an insurance policy
- Photocopy of the enrolment document at the University of Foggia
The ‘Visa application kit’ will be filled in at the Erasmus Office, and after that, the student should take the kit to the post office to send it to the Immigration Authorities. The postal fees and the sending will cost about 140 euros. You will receive a receipt with the indication on the date where you will have to report to local immigration office (QUESTURA) in Foggia for the subsequent steps. The Italian post offices offer a new service on the website called “Portale Immigrazione”, that allows you to check the status of your Permit of Stay application. To know whether your permit is ready to be issued, you can visit the following website (username and password are shown on post office receipt):
Please, contact the Erasmus office for further information about the scheduled welcome days.
Naviga la sezione
Erasmus Office
via A. Gramsci 89-91 - 71122 Foggia
Opening Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
from 10:00 to 12:00