Opening Hours and Contacts

Front Office - Opening Hours:

Monday, Wednesday

from 10:00 to 12:00


Tuesday and Thursday 

from 14:30 to 16:00


Telephone Reception:

Tuesday - Thursday - Friday

from 9:00 to 11:00



For information on business internships, please call 0881/338434 on the following days:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

from 09:30 to 12:30


For information (EXCEPT FOR THE MEDICAL AREA) on: enrolment, registration, certificates, degree validation, withdrawal from studies, forfeiture, duplicates, recognition

0881 338557 - 0881 338558  


For information (EXCEPT FOR THE MEDICAL AREA) on: incoming/outgoing transfers, change of degree programme, study plans, exam cancellation decrees, validation of Erasmus achievements for outgoing students, graduation and parchment delivery

0881 338556  - 0881338498


Esse3 Support

0881 338559 


Telephone Reception - Medical Area

For information on: entrance competitions, enrolment, incoming transfers, management of study records, management of final qualifying examination, parchment delivery, calls for applications-sports sciences

Tuesday - Thursday - Friday

from 9:00 to 11:00


Tel.  0881 588062; 0881 588063; 0881 588017

Address: Largo Papa Giovanni Paolo II, 1 - 71121 FOGGIA


DAFNE Opening Hours - Logistics systems engineering for agribusiness and management engineering:

From Monday to Wednesday

from 10:00 to 12:00


from 15:00 to 16:00

0881 720806

