The Erasmus+ Programme allows students to spend a period of study at a university in one of the Programme countries, which has signed a bilateral agreement with the University of Foggia.
The Erasmus+ student, who may receive an EU mobility grant or only benefit from the Erasmus status (without a grant), has the opportunity to follow course units and use the facilities available at the host university without paying additional tuition fees. Erasmus+ students are guaranteed the recognition of the study period abroad through the transfer of credits.
In this regard, please note that the University of Foggia has adopted Regulations for the recognition of study periods spent abroad, to which you are referred for further information.
The Erasmus+ Programme enables students to enjoy cultural experiences abroad, familiarise with different Higher Education systems, improve their knowledge of at least one extra language and meet young people from other countries, thus actively contributing to the development of an increasingly united Europe.
The Erasmus+ Coordinator at Department level is responsible for everything concerning teaching, while the International Relations Unit is responsible for the administrative/accounting part.
Students have to visit the website of the host university in order to: 1. obtain the necessary information on the subjects to be followed abroad and on the semesters (1st or 2nd) in which these are taught; 2. find all the information required to fill out the Learning Agreement correctly (Contract of Studies to be followed abroad). Only in this way will they be able to decide in which semester to carry out the study period abroad.
Students must also agree with the Erasmus+ Coordinator at Department level on the study programme to be carried out abroad, taking into account the subjects offered at the host university during the mobility period.
The Learning Agreement must be completed in full and signed by the student and the Erasmus+ Coordinator at Department level.
The enrolment forms and all the necessary information are available on the website of each host university. Students must send the following documents to the selected university, within the deadline set and following the procedures indicated:
- Application Form
- Learning Agreement
- Accommodation Form (if foreseen)
- any additional documents required by the host institution
Students must go to the International Relations Unit with the documents indicated below to sign the Grant Agreement:
- Learning Agreement duly filled out and with all signatures
- Self-certification of bank details to receive the grant
When signing the grant agreement, students will be given the following documents as attachments:
- certificate of stay
- individual Erasmus+ student report form
- Erasmus+ student card
- form for the potential extension of the mobility period
- hard copy of this memorandum
Health insurance abroad
If the student already has the Health Card - Regional Services Card, no extra step is needed, as this card replaces the previous E111 or E128 forms useful for health insurance abroad.
Otherwise, once the grant agreement has been signed, the student must go with it to the relevant ASL (local health authority) to obtain the replacement form for the Health Card - Regional Services Card.
Students shall:
- Immediately go to the International Relations Unit of the host institution, which will proceed to register them. This must be done as soon as possible in order to register the start of the study period accurately. In order to receive the grant, students must have the first box of the Certificate of Stay filled in and signed, and then send it by fax or scanned by email to the International Relations Unit (0039 0881 338 343 - [email protected])within the first week of arrival at the host institution.
- make contact with their tutor teacher at the host university to begin the study period.
Please note that any change to the content of the Learning Agreement must be agreed with your Erasmus+ Coordinator at Department level and with the Academic Coordinator at the host university, in time for you to be able to attend and sit the relevant examination. The appropriate form in the forms section of the International Relations Unit website must always be used for any change to the study plan. Any form received without the signatures of the teachers responsible will not be taken into consideration in any way.
Early return or an extension of the study period may only take place if authorised. The student shall contact the International Relations Unit in good time to inform them about the need to change the duration of the study period abroad. The request for an extension must be made at least one month before the end of the study period abroad, by sending the appropriate form to the International Relations Unit, including the request and authorisation signatures.
Study periods of less than 3 months (even one day less) - i.e. the minimum duration of a mobility grant - are considered null and void and the student will no longer benefit from the Erasmus student status and will have to refund any money received.
Towards the end of the study period abroad, students have to:
- inform the International Relations Office of the host University about the date of your departure and have the second part of the Certificate of Stay filled out and handed in to the International Relations Unit upon your return. This Certificate is not a substitute for the final Certificate of Attendance issued by the International Relations Office of the host University
- request the tutor teacher or the competent office an official Transcript of Records, showing the subjects taken, the credits obtained and the results achieved.
Students shall produce the following documents to the International Relations Unit, within 10 days of the date indicated on the final certificate of attendance:
- original certificate of stay
- final certificate of attendance, issued in original by the International Relations Office of the host university, clearly indicating the period of stay at the host university (start date / end date of mobility)
- final report
- copy of the Transcript of Records issued by the host university.
Failure to submit these documents will result in students losing their Erasmus student status.
Please note that the Erasmus+ grant is calculated in full months; in the event that the period of stay abroad includes a portion of a month, this will be considered as a full month if equal to 15 days while it will not be considered if less than 15 days.
The Diploma Supplement (DS) is a document supplementing the official qualification awarded on completion of a degree programme at a university or Higher Education Institution. The DS provides a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies undertaken and completed by the student according to a standard 8-point model developed at the initiative of the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO.
Relevant legislation
The Diploma Supplement was introduced into the Italian university system by Ministerial Decree (DM) No. 509 of 1999, Article 11, paragraph 8, and maintained in force by Ministerial Decree No. 270 of 2004, in the same article and paragraph.
Related websites
The ECTS grading scale is a tool that facilitates the transfer of academic results (expressed in terms of grades) between different national grading systems. It is adopted by universities in the countries that are members of the European Higher Education Area. Thus, grades can effectively be translated and transcripted from one country to another one, according to shared European rules.
The different national grading systems are related to each other through the ECTS scale, which is unique and compares the statistical distributions of grades in the different systems.
The ECTS scale is built on the basis of the results obtained by a homogeneous group of students over a given period of time, according to the following rule:
- grade A corresponds to the grades obtained by the best 10% of students
- grade B corresponds to the grades obtained by the next 25%
- grade C corresponds to the grades obtained by the next 30%
- grade D corresponds to the grades obtained by the next 25%
- grade E corresponds to the grades obtained by the final 10%
Each value on the ECTS scale corresponds to a more or less wide range of grades in national systems.
Notably, the ECTS scale only allows the transfer of grades between universities in countries belonging to the European Higher Education Area.
Different grading systems exist and often co-exist in other countries, but no general mechanisms for grade conversion similar to the ECTS scale have been defined.
The Italian credit system
Italian university educational credits (CFU) are equivalent to ECTS credits. Each CFU is equivalent to 25 hours of work (lectures, seminars, or individual study). A full-time student is required to do an average amount of work set at 60 credits, i.e. 1500 hours, each academic year. CFUs are acquired by passing an examination or other test.
The credits therefore define the quantity of work; the quality of the student's performance is instead documented by a grade, expressed in thirtieths for the exam or other test and in hundredths for the final test, with possible honours. The maximum mark the student can obtain is 30; a mark from 30 to 26 reflects a very good/good assessment in terms of learning outcomes; a mark from 25 to 18 reflects a satisfactory/sufficient assessment in terms of learning outcomes; 18 is the minimum mark to pass the exam.
The Erasmus University Charter (EUC) allowed universities to participate in the former Socrates/Erasmus programme and to apply annually for EU grants to implement Erasmus activities (mobility of students, teaching and technical/administrative staff, mobility for placements, etc.).
The Charter was a certificate containing the fundamental principles of all Erasmus activities and could be withdrawn in case of non-compliance or violation of the established conditions.
The University of Foggia held an extended EUC valid until 2014 whose number was:
The term 'Double/Joint Degrees' refers to Degree Programmes with an integrated curriculum that include a study programme jointly designed with other foreign universities and periods of student and teaching staff mobility. After the final examination, Double or Multiple Degrees lead to two or more national awards from the partner universities, while Joint Degrees lead to a single award recognised and validated by all the universities involved.
The Aon student insurance offers individual and optional health cover abroad - both inbound and outbound - for the following categories:
technical and administrative staff, teaching staff, researchers, research grant holders, PhD students and family members of all these categories.
This policy is intended as a supplement to the insurance cover for accident and civil liability risks already guaranteed by the University of Foggia.

Erasmus Play is a student housing search engine to find accommodation across Europe. It allows you to compare all available accommodation quickly and easily.
In addition, you will be able to book safely, as all the accommodations are 100% verified.
The booking process is very simple:
- Select your destination and dates.
- Compare all available accommodation.
- Click and book safely and securely.
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Servizio Relazioni Internazionali-Erasmus
Via Gramsci 89/91 - IV piano
Settore Relazioni Internazionali
Via Gramsci 89/91 - I piano
Tel. 0881 338378 - 531