There are many students who, for various reasons, need to find accommodation during their university years, either because they choose to study in another city where they find an educational offer more suited to their needs, or because they live far away from where courses are taught.
Staying in a university residence while you study, does not only mean living on university premises, but also having an educational experience and the opportunity to live with other students.
University residences are managed by the A.di.S.U. Puglia (Agenzia per il diritto allo studio della Regione Puglia - Agency for the right to study of the Apulia region).
The following residences are located in Foggia:
- ‘Marina Mazzei’ Residence, in via Galanti, with 99 beds, 6 of which are for students with disabilities. It also includes: a canteen, WI-FI Internet connection, a library, a video room, an audio room, a study room, a room for students enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts, a computer room, 2 washing machines and an ironing room;
- ‘Francesco Marcone’ Residence, in Via Alfredo Guglielmi. The facility is located in a semi-central area and has 60 beds in as many single rooms, 4 of which are for disabled students. All accommodation units have toilet facilities and are served by wireless Internet connection. The residence also offers a computer room, a library and a classroom with 7 computer stations with Internet connection.
A.Di.S.U. Puglia (accommodation)
The University of Foggia also provides an Accommodation Search service named ‘Cerco Alloggio’. The search engine promotes direct contact between private owners of quality homes and university students looking for accommodation.
Italian and foreign students, considered ‘off-campus’ as shown in the table of municipalities, enrolled in First-Cycle, Second-Cycle (Ministerial Decree 270/2004) and Single-Cycle degree programmes, PhDs, post-graduate courses at
- University of Bari
- Polytechnic University of Bari
- ‘N. Piccinni’ Conservatory - Bari
- ‘N. Rota’ Conservatory - Monopoli (BA)
- Academy of Fine Arts in Bari
- LUM Jean Monnet - Casamassima (BA)
- University of Foggia
- ‘U. Giordano’ Conservatory - Foggia
- Academy of Fine Arts in Foggia
- ‘Giovanni Paolo II’ Higher Institute of Religious Sciences of Foggia
- University of Salento
- ‘T. Schipa’ Conservatory - Lecce
- Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce
- ‘G. Paisiello’ Music Institute - Taranto
Accommodation is allocated through a competition to students meeting the merit, income and assets requirements set out in the notice of competition and is reserved exclusively to the students selected, who may not cede its use to outsiders, even temporarily
Access to the residence is regulated by an annual call for applications, which establishes the allocation criteria and any related fees. Students who receive a scholarship and accommodation are exempt from paying monthly fees, the total amount of which is deducted from the above-mentioned benefit. The annual call for applications regulates the other types of allocation and the related costs.
ADISU Puglia offers a catering service that provides all Italian and foreign university students with access to university canteens, to eat a meal in a friendly environment close to their course venues.
The university canteens are located near the departments of the University of Foggia. The canteens currently in operation are located in:
- Via Napoli, 107 tel. 0881.688658
- Via Galliani, 4 mob. 3475314012
- Via Giuseppe Maria Galanti no. 2/2 c/o Residenza MARINA MAZZEI tel. 0881.335401
- Via Alfredo Guglielmi, 8 c/o Residenza FRANCESCO MARCONE tel. 0881.883401
- Food court in the Courtyard of the Department of Law - University Café.
The service is available for the entire academic year to all students regularly enrolled in and attending the course units of First-Cycle, Second-Cycle and Syngle-Cycle Degree Programmes at:
- University of Bari
- Polytechnic University of Bari
- ‘N. Piccinni’ Conservatory - Bari
- ‘N. Rota’ Conservatory - Monopoli (BA)
- Academy of Fine Arts in Bari
- LUM Jean Monnet - Casamassima (BA)
- University of Foggia
- ‘U. Giordano’ Conservatory - Foggia
- Academy of Fine Arts in Foggia
- ‘Giovanni Paolo II’ Higher Institute of Religious Sciences of Foggia
- University of Salento
- ‘T. Schipa’ Conservatory - Lecce
- Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce
- ‘G. Paisiello’ Music Institute - Taranto
In addition, the following categories can access the catering centres:
- students enrolled at other Italian universities
- foreign students in Italy, beneficiaries of EU international mobility projects under agreement
- teaching and non-teaching staff of the University
- employees of ADISU PUGLIA
- different users, as detailed in special agreements signed between ADISU PUGLIA and public and private bodies.
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Agenzia regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario (A.Di.S.U. Puglia)
Sito web
Direttore: dott. Crescenzo Marino
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sportello infostudenti
via Alfredo Guglielmi n. 8
(con ingresso tra la Biblioteca Provinciale e la chiesa della Madonna del Rosario)
71121 Foggia
0881 883419-20
Fax 0881 708028
Uffici per il Diritto allo studio
via Alfredo Guglielmi n. 8
(con ingresso tra la Biblioteca Provinciale e la chiesa della Madonna del Rosario)
71121 Foggia
Tel. 0881 883401-2-3
Fax 0881 708028