La missione

L’Università di Foggia è un ateneo giovane e in continua evoluzione, proiettato verso una crescita costante. La capacità di adattare la propria offerta formativa alle esigenze del contesto in cui opera, passa attraverso una proposta didattica attrattiva che unisce tradizione e innovazione. La mission dell’Università di Foggia si sintetizza, infatti, nella volontà di trattenere sul Territorio le sue forze migliori per produrre valore e sviluppo.

Il processo di individuazione degli obiettivi non si è fermato alla sola Comunità accademica ma ha coinvolto attivamente, in modo costruttivo, tutto il Territorio e i principali stakeholder attraverso una serie di tavoli programmatici. Negli ultimi anni l’Università si è posta come punto di riferimento, culturale, sociale ed economico di un cambiamento in atto, rimarcando il proprio ruolo di protagonista attiva del processo. Politiche di sviluppo di ampio respiro vedono nella Ricerca, nell'Internazionalizzazione, nel Placement, nell’Orientamento e in una mirata riqualificazione degli spazi i punti di forza dell’azione strategica, avvalorata da un trend positivo per numero di laureati e di nuovi iscritti.

The University and the Territory

The University has a well established and essential position in the social and cultural landscape, but also in terms of social, health and welfare services, sport (through the Foggia University Sport Centre - CUS), and library services. Several high-tech companies have been set up within the university in the field of biotechnology, food technology and cultural heritage. Notably, due to the University’s ability to pursue and implement the activities related to its institutional mandate, the Territory recognises it as an attentive interlocutor which is able to spur the territory’s development and provide adequate and professional answers. Associations, companies and citizens have paid increasing attention to the University of Foggia over the years. There are numerous requests for collaboration, sponsorship, agreements and invitations and even a higher number of appeals and calls for action in all sectors, including fight against illegality and organised crime.

The University of Foggia aims to welcome these requests by committing toward young people, inclusion and sustainability. This is achieved thanks to an appropriate and innovative educational offer, which is based on research activity and can lead to career prospects which are not only in line with the needs of the Territory, but are also able to anticipate and grasp the new opportunities of the ever-evolving labour market.


Students’ services

Students are the most precious resource and, at the same time, the heart of the activities implemented by the University. Following European policies, the University has granted students a key role in the quality assurance process in the last few years. By doing so, it has ensured that students are represented in the governing bodies and actively participate in the Joint Committees, the Quality Committee and the Evaluation Committee.


The goals of the ‘20/’22 three-year-strategic plan identify and implement a series of actions aimed at guaranteeing services increasingly suited to students’ needs, so as to cope with the ongoing student population growth (ca. 33% in the 2019/20 academic year). There are now approximately 14,000 enrolled students. That is why the educational offer has been widened with 4 new Degree Courses for the 2020/21 academic year and the proposal of 10 new Degree Courses for the 2021/22 academic year




Guidance and Placement

The University of Foggia promotes guidance and tutoring activities aimed at supporting students to choose their academic path. There are several initiatives, both before and during their academic careers, aimed to help and support students to choose the degree programmes which enhance their skills and interests. Peer career advisors, tutors, senior students and experts from the Guidance and Placement Area are there to answer all the questions posed by students during the Open day, Summer Week, orientation days organised in the schools, so as to support them with study plans, exams and organisational difficulties.

The University aims at promoting a change and a gentle revolution building upon the values of care, attention, cooperation and happiness. Caring for our students and graduates’ minds, hearts and skills can foster change and innovation, which are the driving force to change direction and design the future.


Student mobility and internationalisation

The University of Foggia pays great attention to internationalisation and student mobility, as evidenced by the numerous agreements and collaborations in place with Universities from other countries, not only in Europe, and by the economic support provided by the University to students willing to spend a period of their studies abroad. Student mobility registered a substantial increase in the three years from 2016 to 2018. More specifically, outgoing Erasmus students for study increased by 64% and outgoing students for placement grew by 35%. Incoming Erasmus students rose instead by 20%.

The University aims to further strengthen student mobility: the three-year-Programme based on the former Ministerial Decree DM989 of 2019 and the assessment of responsible autonomy towards the awarding of the Ordinary Financing Fund for Italian universities (FFO) are focused on the internationalisation goals.

Internationalising educational and training programmes is a fundamental commitment by the university, which aims to develop an increasingly competitive and dynamic knowledge able to face the globalisation challenges and the rapid social changes underway with balance, critical ability and awareness. Students, teaching staff and the territory benefit greatly from the implementation of a system aimed at facilitating the exchange of knowledge and educational, scientific and training experiences.