
At the heart of scientific research

In the field of Research, the University has achieved, in just twenty years, a good overall scientific profile and a position of respect among small/medium sized universities. Confirmed by the results achieved, Unifg's objective is to invest in excellence and in sectors that are still critical, supporting innovation through human resources and dedicated funds. The research strategy is based on two fundamental objectives: improving the quality and productivity of scientific research from a competitive and international perspective and, at the same time, strengthening planning and the ability to attract resources from a competitive and international perspective. The scientific qualification of teachers is also an essential requirement to guarantee students a higher education of a high scientific and educational level.


Ricerca dati

The space dedicated to the methods of collecting, managing and processing information on the University's research activity, to consulting the U-GOV database and documents relating to the Research Quality Assessment (VQR) process.

foto sala operatoria

All information relating to calls and selections reserved for researchers. Grants and grants for research activities.