The CEA - University e-Learning Centre
CEA - Centro e-learning di Ateneo


The CEA - Centro E-learning di Ateneo (i.e. University e-Learning Centre) - was set up in the 2015-16 academic year to respond to the online and distance learning needs of the University of Foggia.

In recent years, the centre has gathered a diversified user base: on the one hand, young students seeking to create their own future and build a professional career, and on the other working students willing to improve their skills.


The CEA goal is to design and manage the entire production chain of e-learning courses aimed at both blended learning and fully online learning (MOOCs), by establishing a centralised University service.

The University of Foggia's experience in delivering degree programmes in ‘blended’ mode started during the 2015-16 academic year, with the blended degree programme in Education, scheduled in the 2013/2015 three-year programme.

Currently being set up, the CEA picks up the legacy of the service management activities carried out by the ERID Laboratory – Educational Research and Interaction Design. Since 2010, the year of its establishment at the Department of Humanities, the ERID lab has been responsible for the provision and management of all the University's e-learning services, together with all the related applied research activities.


What the CEA aims at through its actions, is to detect some hitherto undeclared training needs concerning the ongoing training of teachers on issues related to ICT-supported innovation in teaching and learning, through interdisciplinary and inter-university collaboration.

A further added value is that of offering an environment in which onsite and online activities are perfectly integrated, thus modernising study and research environments, and renewing teaching methodologies, in line with the provisions of Art. 2 of Ministerial Decree no. 635 of 2016.



  • Prof.ssa Anna Dipace
  • Dott. Federico Bovi


  • Dott. Luigi Tateo


  • Dott.ssa Sara Perrella


References and contacts

Palazzo Ateneo Università di Foggia
via Gramsci 89-91, Foggia
Piano Terra
0881 338540
[email protected]
Orario ricevimento: 
da lunedì a venerdì: 10:00 - 12:00;
martedì e giovedì: 15:00 - 17:00.