All Higher Education Institutions located in a programme country are required to hold an ECHE - Erasmus Charter for Higher Education - to participate in the various key actions of the Erasmus+ Programme.
The University of Foggia has been awarded a new ECHE by the European Commission with the highest score (100/100 points).
Such an important award enables the University to participate in the international initiatives of, and receive funding through, the Erasmus+ Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport for the period 2021-2027.
The ECHE is awarded - and renewed every seven years - by the European Commission to Higher Education Institutions participating in the Erasmus+ Programme, after careful evaluation against a series of award criteria and fundamental principles.
The ECHE provides the general quality framework for European and international cooperation activities a Higher Education Institution (HEI) may carry out within Erasmus+.
To be awarded the new ECHE, the University of Foggia has submitted its EPS (Erasmus Policy Statement) - that is the University’s Internationalisation and Modernisation Strategy - to the European Commission.
The Erasmus Policy Statement builds upon the the founding principles of the Erasmus+ programme, defined by the EC, i.e.:
- transparency
- non-discrimination
- social inclusion
- free, fair and equal access to the opportunities offered by the Programme
The Erasmus Policy Statement includes, implements and strengthens tangible actions aimed at achieving the objectives defined by the programme.
Emphasis for the seven-year period 2021-2027 is placed on the digitisation of administrative processes related to mobility management, in line with the principles of the European Student Card Initiative, for Green and sustainable mobility.
The University of Foggia is committed to taking the necessary actions, following the Internationalisation Strategy adopted by the EC.