Third-party activities

The University of Foggia promotes the social, cultural and economic growth and development of the territory. It does so by making its innovative know-how, the experience and professionalism of its professors and researchers, as well as its laboratory facilities and equipment available to companies, public bodies and professionals.

With this in mind, the University encourages the provision of services relating to activities commissioned by third parties. This includes research, consultancy, project design, experimentation, technical verification, training and service activities carried out by the University's scientific, teaching, administrative and service structures, also making use of the University's in-house skills and resources.

The services relating to activities commissioned by third parties may be provided based on a quote/estimate or fee rate.

Quote-based services consist of those in which the amount is determined based on a negotiation with the customer, and require the conclusion of a specific contract.

Fee-based services consist of standard and recurring services, offered to the public at predetermined conditions.

These services are provided with the use of the human and instrumental resources available to one or more university cost centres, as well as any resources specifically acquired from outside. For fee-based services, entering into a contract is not required, but the acceptance of the customer's request by the head of the relevant cost centre, upon proposal of the person responsible for the service, will suffice.

References and contacts

Servizio Terza Missione e Partecipazioni
Palazzo Ateneo - II piano (stanze 74 e 73)
via Gramsci 89/91 - Foggia
tel. 0881 338533; 0881 338510; 0881 338577; 0881 338578
[email protected]