The Public Relations Office (Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico - URP) of the University of Foggia performs the functions of institutional communication and contact with citizens. By taking care of communication between the users and the University, it is aimed at students, university staff, companies and individuals, other bodies and administrations, and in general at those who need guidance among the skills and services offered by the University, in order to know the right office to turn to.
What is the URP?
The Public Relations Office (URP) is the bridge between the Public Administration and people, both as individuals and as associates.
The URP was set up to put into practice the principles of transparency and participation in administrative action set forth in Law 241/1990 (New rules on administrative procedure and the right of access to administrative documents).
URPs show the profound transformation taking place in public administrations, whereby the administration is at the service of the people and the way of working has profoundly changed.
Law no. 150/2000 redefines the tasks of URPs, already established by Legislative Decree no. 29/1993 (on streamlining public administration). Law 150 governs the information and communication activities of public administrations.
According to Article 8 of Law 150:
- The activity of the public relations office is addressed to individual and associated citizens.
- In the exercise of their regulatory power, public administrations shall redefine the tasks and reorganise public relations offices within six months from the date of entry into force of the law, according to the following criteria:
- guaranteeing the exercise of the rights of information, access and participation set forth in Law No. 241 of 7 August 1990, as amended
- facilitating the use of the services offered to citizens, also by describing regulatory and administrative provisions, and providing information on the structures and tasks of the administrations themselves
- promoting the adoption of online networking systems and coordinating civic networks
- implementing processes to verify the quality of services and users’ satisfaction, by means of listening to citizens and internal communication
- ensuring that information is shared among the public relations offices of the various administrations.
Through the use of information technology, public relations offices make sure:
- that users can exercise the participation rights referred to in Chapter II of Law No. 241 of 7 August 1990
- that users are informed on acts and procedures
- to carry out research and analysis aimed at making proposals to their own administration on the organisational and logistical aspects of relations with users (Article 12, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree No. 29/1993).
The URP is the point of listening for users, providing clarification and information on university services, internal regulations and access to administrative acts. Through its information activities, the URP aims to facilitate the participation of citizens in the University administrative activities and to contribute to the achievement of substantive equality for all (in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2 of the Italian Constitution).
The URP also
- Promotes the exchange of information by fostering and organising communication within the university and with other administrations
- Guarantees the exercise of the rights of information, access to documents and participation (Law no. 241 of 7 August 1990, as amended)
- Provides advice on simplification and privacy
- Gathers proposals for the improvement of existing services and/or reports inefficiencies by monitoring users' opinions and satisfaction from the point of view of Customer Satisfaction;
Satisfaction Questionnaire - URP
Esplora i corsi di laurea triennali e a ciclo unico
Conosci i corsi di laurea magistrali
Naviga tra le iniziative di orientamento offerte da Unifg per scegliere il percorso su misura per te
Le informazioni che devi conoscere su come iscriverti ad un Corso di laurea magistrale
Scopri come ottenere l’e-mail istituzionale
Le informazioni che devi conoscere per cominciare la tua carriera di studente (calendario lezioni ed esami, programmi, ecc.) se sei uno studente del:
- Dipartimento di Economia,
- Dipartimento di Economia, Management e Territorio,
- Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza,
- Dipartimenti di Area Medica,
- Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimenti, Risorse Naturali e Ingegneria (DAFNE),
- Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici. Lettere, Beni Culturali, Scienze della Formazione
I servizi e le iniziative per accogliere gli studenti con disabilità e con DSA
I servizi disponibili per la ricerca di un alloggio e per le mense universitarie
Le opportunità se sei studente-atleta
Vuoi conoscere il piano di studi e i programmi degli insegnamenti che frequenti?
Consulta Course Catalogue, l'innovativo sistema per permettere a studenti e docenti di consultare e gestire al meglio il piano di studi di ogni dipartimento.
Su Course Catalogue, infatti, ogni docente carica tutti i dettagli del suo insegnamento, dal piano di studi al materiale utile per gli studenti. Gli studenti, quindi, hanno accesso a tutte le informazioni riguardanti il piano di studi, i singoli insegnamenti e il materiale didattico. Video tutorial
Scopri le procedure on line per l'iscrizione agli anni successivi al primo
Informazioni su stage e placement
Vuoi effettuare il passaggio ad un altro Corso di Laurea? Scopri come
Vuoi trasferirti presso un altro Ateneo? Scopri come
Scopri come sospendere gli studi per un periodo prefissato
Hai interrotto temporaneamente e/o in modalità definitiva gli studi e intendi riattivare la tua carriera accademica? Ecco come richiedere la ricognizione e/o il riconoscimento crediti
Vuoi effettuare la rinuncia agli studi? Scopri come
Vuoi conoscere il piano di studi e i programmi degli insegnamenti che frequenti?
Consulta Course Catalogue, è l'innovativo sistema per permettere a studenti e docenti di consultare e gestire al meglio il piano di studi di ogni dipartimento.
Su Course Catalogue, infatti, ogni docente carica tutti i dettagli del suo insegnamento, dal piano di studi al materiale utile per gli studenti. Gli studenti, quindi, hanno accesso a tutte le informazioni riguardanti il piano di studi, i singoli insegnamenti e il materiale didattico. Video tutorial
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The Public Relations Office (URP) of the University of Foggia is located on the ground floor of Palazzo Ateneo, via Antonio Gramsci, 89/91 - 71122 - Foggia.
Rosa Verdone (responsible)
Telephone reception hours: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 13:30. On Tuesdays also from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm.
The reception in the presence starting from 6 June 2022 follows the following schedule: from Tuesday to Thursday from 9.30 to 12.30 and on Tuesday also from 15.30 to 17.00.
Telephone numbers: 0881338415– 0881338315.
Email: [email protected]
PEC: [email protected]
Other contacts:
whatsapp: 0881338415 (messaging only)
Unifg official social channels (Instagram - Facebook)