The Fees and Charges Regulations set out the amounts, methods and deadlines to pay tuition fees for First-Cycle Degree Programmes, Second-Cycle Degree Programmes, Single-Cycle Degree Programmes and Degree Programmes of the old system (prior to Ministerial Decree 270/2004), in compliance with the new provisions of Law no. 232 of 11 December 2016 and subsequent modifications and integrations. In addition, all information is provided on the benefits related to the right to study envisaged by Legislative Decree 68/2012 and subsequent modifications and integrations, as well as on the procedures and deadlines to submit the respective applications.
Reductions on the amount of university fees and charges can be applied, based on one's economic and financial situation, determined by the ISEE certificate ( ‘Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator’), specifically issued for university services and produced in accordance with the regulations in force.
The ISEEU certificate - ‘University Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator’ - shall be requested by filling in the ‘Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica’ (DSU - ‘Single Substitute Declaration’) at any CAF (‘Fiscal Assistance Centre’) or by following the instructions provided on the INPS website (‘National Institute for Social Security’), in the section entitled ‘Come compilare la DSU e richiedere l'ISEEU’ (‘How to fill in the DSU and request the