International mobility

The main goal of this Sector is to support all those interested in developing international relations, by fostering the coordination of internationalisation activities of both teaching and research within the university, and connection with various internal and external players.
The main activities are:
• to promote incoming teaching staff mobility so as to boost teaching and scientific collaboration with universities and research institutes worldwide;
• to promote internationalisation of teaching and research in close collaboration with each Department. This is to be achieved by coordinating the management of international mobility as a whole, as well as by supporting and coordinating the steps before and after agreements are signed with partners to implement international teaching activities, aimed at setting up intensive courses and international double/joint degrees, in great synergy with the Teaching and Students’ Services Area and Advanced Training;

• to set up procedures for the management of conventions and agreements entered into by the University with foreign and non-European partners, further enriching the educational offer and coordinating initiatives focused on geographical areas and specific themes of interest to the University;

• to promote inter-university cooperation within and outside the EU

The International Relations Unit has signed several cooperation framework agreements (Memoranda of Understanding) in the field of teaching and research, and aimed at the exchange of teaching staff and students with the following institutions:


Metropolitan Tirana University

University of Elbasan

University of Gjirokastra

The Albanian University

University Hassiba Benboual of Chlef

The Kasdi Merbah University

The Instituto de Tecnologia Agropecuaria

Armenian National Agrarian University

Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine

Universidad Catolica Boliviana "San Pablo"

Universidade Federal de Roraima

University of Agribusiness and Rural Development

University of Food Technology, Plovdiv

University of Alberta

La Universidad Arturo Prat

La Universidad Catolica del Norte

Universidad Mayor

Universidad Mayor, Cile

Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai

Ningbo Dahongying University

Taizhou University

University of Suwon

Georgian Technical Institute

Tokyo University of Agriculture

Aleksandras Stulginskis University

Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics

Mykolas Romeris University

Universidad Anahuac Xalapa

Universidad de Colima

University of Oslo

Uniwersytet Szczecinski

Krakow University of Economics

The University of Craiova, Incesa

Abel Salazar Institute for the Biomedical Sciences University of Porto

University of St. Petersburg Institute of Hospitality (SPIH)

Penza State University

Institute for Science Application in Agriculture

University of Kragujevac

Centro de Investigaciones Scientificas y Tecnologicas de Extremadura (CICYTEX)

Universidad de Sevilla

University of Peradeniya

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Chiang Mai University

Shih Chien University

Manisa Celal Bayar University

Villanova University - Charles Widger School of Law

Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University

Bukovinian State Medical University

Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Sumy State University

Donetsk National Medical University

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences

University of Dunaujvaros

University of Central Florida

Hanoi Univesity

Can tho University

Multimemoranda of Understanding

Università di Roma III

Université Paris X, Nanterre, Francia

Universitat Potsdam, Germania

Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, Francia

Faculty of Humanities, Lisboa University, Portogallo

Universitat de Barcelona, Spagna

University of Medecine, Anhui, Cina



The Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence was established in 1984 by the initiative of the Fondazione Rui. Since 1986, it has operated on the basis of an agreement with MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research).

CIMEA is the Italian centre within the NARIC network (National Academic Recognition Information Centres).

CIMEA owns an international documentation centre and a few specialised databases.

CIMEA may be contacted by e-mail and telephone (Monday & Wednesday 9:30 - 12:30 am). On the same days you can also arrange appointments. Purposes:

  • give information about opportunities and procedures for the recognition of foreign study qualifications
  • provide institutions with advice on the comparability of foreign qualifications for recognition purposes
  • promote the free movement of EU citizens with particular reference to international student mobility
References and contacts

Servizio Relazioni Internazionali-Erasmus

Palazzo Ateneo - IV piano

Via Gramsci 89/91 - 71122 Foggia

[email protected]



viale XXI Aprile 36 - 00162 Roma

Tel. +39 06 86321281

Fax +39 06 86322845

[email protected]