Lifelong learning and open education refers to activities carried out by the University (alone or in a network) and/or in collaboration and agreement with external bodies/organisations aimed at non-traditional users, which also produce a change in terms of professional qualification or re-qualification.
For Lifelong Learning courses please refer to the following link:
This also includes MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), i.e. distance learning courses aimed at different types of users with open access learning materials, as well as the training impacts produced by lifelong learning actions carried out for the Open University (Università della Libera Età).
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are distance learning courses that enable people, including those from different geographical locations, to access quality education at a distance. Users also attend lessons via the Internet at the same time, without paying tuition fees and with free access to learning materials. There are many different types of MOOCs: some issue certificates of attendance at the end of the course, others lead to university credits or even degree awards, such as short specialisation degrees; some allow the acquisition of very specific and sector-specific skills, while others offer pathways useful for personal growth. Several Italian universities have created their own digital platforms, dedicated to the provision of MOOCs, or rely on the most important and international platforms. Courses are accessible by registration and may include the award of a certification.
MOOCs are the most representative experience among the many opportunities for innovation put forward by the University of Foggia in the field of e-learning courses, aimed both at blended learning - within the university educational offer - and at full-online learning (MOOCs) - also and essentially aimed at an external target audience.
MOOCs delivered by the University of Foggia and available on the Eduopen platform
Lifelong learning in the field of Medicine is especially important (educazione continua in medicina - ECM), both when the University is the provider, as well as when it is carried out by external providers.
This is managed by the Departments of Medicine in collaboration with the University's Third Mission Area.