Seminario HORIZON EUROPE - HE - Aspetti legali e finanziari
Data: 12 giugno 2024
Docente: Alessia Rotolo
Modalità: on line
Il presente percorso formativo ha l’obiettivo di presentare gli aspetti centrali (legali e contenutistici) di Horizon Europe, con lo scopo di migliorare la capacità di gestione finanziaria e legale dei partecipanti, attraverso un’analisi dettagliata dei template, delle regole di partecipazione e dei principali articoli dell’Annoted Model Grant Agreement. La formazione seguirà una metodologia teorico-pratica attraverso esempi e declinazione in casi concreti delle linee guida della CE. L’attiva e diretta interazione dei partecipanti sia attraverso SLIDO, sia attraverso un approccio di costante confronto tra docente e partecipanti in modo tale da affrontare tempestivamente i dubbi o le incertezze che emergeranno durante i lavori. Nei Work Programme 2023/2024 di Horizon Europe, la Commissione europea ha utilizzato in modo estensivo lo schema lump sum. Lo schema lump sum, definito come forma di costo semplificata, introduce un’idea di progetto completamente differente sin dalla fase di scrittura della proposta, ricomprendendo l’implementazione, fino ad arrivare alla fase di controllo ex post. Pertanto le implicazioni sul piano legale e finanziario sono molteplici.
Con lo specifico focus su questo aspetto si intende fornire ai partecipanti gli strumenti per poter gestire con successo un progetto lump sum sin dalla fase della proposta. Infatti, affinché questo cambiamento possa essere affrontato al meglio, è essenziale e necessario conoscere le regole, i principi di base, le novità, gli aspetti critici e gli elementi da attenzionare.
Le adesioni possono essere comunicate entro venerdì 7 giugno 2024 compilando l'apposito modulo.
Si è tenuto lunedì 22 novembre 2021 alle ore 15.00, presso l'Auditorium Bruno di Fortunato di Via Gramsci e in diretta streaming, il seminario illustrativo su "procedura competitiva per lo sviluppo delle attività di ricerca fondamentale a valere sul Fondo Italiano per la Scienza".
L'evento, organizzato dall'Area Ricerca, ha visto la partecipazione del Rettore prof. Pierpaolo Limone, del prof. Nazareno Capitanio, delegato rettorale alla Ricerca, e di Pierluigi Centola, responsabile Servizio Ricerca e Gestione Progetti.
Horizon Europe è il nuovo Programma Quadro europeo per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione 2021-2027.
La sua dotazione finanziaria di circa 100 miliardi di euro, fa di Horizon Europe il più ambizioso programma di ricerca e innovazione di sempre. HE, in un’ottica di evoluzione rispetto all’attuale Horizon 2020, mira a: rafforzare le basi scientifiche e tecnologiche dell'UE e dello spazio europeo della ricerca, migliorare la capacità innovativa e la competitività del sistema industriale europeo e a generare occupazione in Europa. Il presente percorso formativo ha l’obiettivo di presentare gli aspetti centrali del Nuovo Programma Quadro, ed in particolar modo dell’ERC e del CLUSTER 6 FOOD, BIOECONOMY, NATURAL RESOURCES, AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT con lo scopo di migliorare la capacità progettuale dei partecipanti, attraverso una presentazione delle opportunità principali del II pilastro e del template di presentazione della proposta.
Le adesioni possono essere comunicate entro venerdì 2 dicembre p.v. compilando il modulo disponibile al seguente link:
Horizon Europe is the programme promoted by the European Commission and aimed at funding research activities.
It started last year and will continue until 2027, supporting the EU to tackle global challenges, by equipping researchers and innovators with the tools required to implement their own ideas and projects.
The Research and Project Management Service organised an online meeting on 30th June 2022, from 15.00 to 18.00, on Zoom, to foster knowledge about the Programme and explore the financial aspects involved when writing a project proposal to be submitted under the Programme calls for proposals.
The invited speaker was Daniele Gizzi, from the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE - Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea).
Horizon 2020 or H2020 was the scientific research and innovation funding programme of the European Commission, with a budget of nearly 80 billion Euros - one of the highest worldwide - for the seven years from 2014 to 2020. The Programme falls under the direct management implementation mode.
Horizon 2020 is open to participation of all legal entities and, under certain circumstances, also of entities without legal personality. It funds research projects or actions aimed at scientific or technological innovation, which have an impact on the lives of European citizens.
Horizon Europe is the name of the new framework programme succeeding Horizon 2020.
Horizon Europe is the European Commission's research and innovation funding instrument for the next seven years, from 2021 to 2027. APRE followed and actively contributed to all preparatory phases of the new Programme (all the work is documented in the blog entitled 'Towards Horizon Europe').
The individual Work Programmes, with the related calls for proposals, are available in the section named Documenti di riferimento – Horizon Europe (
APRE provides free information and assistance on the calls of the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 - Horizon Europe.
Creative Europe is the new European Programme fostering cultural cooperation, which includes the former Culture, Media and Media Mundus Programmes.
The Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) opened the Italian Horizon Europe Week 2021 (Settimana Horizon Europe 2021 italiana) on Monday 12 July, at 10.30. This initiative, addressed to the national Research and Innovation community (R&I), was carried out in agreement with the Ministry for University and Research (MUR).
“We know that being awarded a project also depends on how it is presented, which is why we need to study the calls for proposals very carefully and to become familiar with the evaluation mechanisms,” said Maria Cristina Messa, Minister for University and Research, when opening the conference. “My wish is that we get ready now. The programme has started, so I hope that we can speed up as much as possible and understand that having an overall picture of European and national research is essential in order to know how to make the most of our ideas and skills," said the Minister at the end of her video message kicking off the 2021 National Info Days. Running from 12 to 16 July online, they addressed the individual themes and calls of the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027). A budget of 95.5 billion Euros, from the European Multiannual Financial Framework and Next Generation EU, will support a Framework Programme that looks to the future, the great global challenges and the potential for growth and investment in research.
The videos and slides of the events of the Horizon Europe 2021 Week are available here. They were addressed to all public and private actors involved in the different stages of the 'research-innovation' value chain (researchers, professors, entrepreneurs, associations, funders, policy makers, communicators and citizens).
The MSCA (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions), Research Infrastructure and ERC (European Research Council) schemes were in the spotlight of the opening day's in-depth discussion. They were explored thanks to the valuable contribution of European Commission officials, national delegates and APRE experts. The Italian Horizon Europe Week offers an in-depth analysis to make the Italian community focus on the key elements of the first Horizon Europe work programmes and funding opportunities, considering them from a national perspective in order to ensure successful participation.
Eleven thematic sessions addressed the individual Horizon Europe programmes: ERC (European Research Council), MSCA (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions); Research Infrastructures; the six Clusters for Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness of Pillar 2 (Health; Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society; Civil Security for Society; Digital, Industry and Space; Climate, Energy and Mobility; Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment); WIDERA; Euratom. Thirteen cross-cutting sessions, on the other hand, deepened aspects of common interest such as ethics, impact and valorisation of research results. To this end, the free services offered by APRE through its Thematic Teams were also presented during the sessions, to foster quality Italian participation.
A workshop entitled 'Horizon Europe and the Impact Pathway' took place on the University's E-learning platform on Friday 21 May 2021, from 15.00 to 29.00. The workshop illustrated the features of the European Union's new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The course also provided useful hints on how to write a successful proposal, taking into account the expectations of target groups as well as expected impacts.
- Introduction and Structure of the Horizon Europe Programme
- How to write a successful proposal
- Exercise on section 2 - Impact of the Horizon Europe template
The Workshop was held by Matteo Sabini, project manager and trainer of APRE, on the e-learning platform of the University of Foggia.
Financial and legal aspects in HORIZON 2020 projects: from creating a budget to the reporting phase.
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships and European Research Council (ERC)
How to write a project proposal
Evaluation criteria and process
What to know before writing a project proposal