The University of Foggia has entered the rankings of some of the major international ranking agencies, alongside the Italian Censis report which has certified its constantly growing trend on the national scene in recent years.

The rankings take into consideration a series of indicators, such as academic performance, programmes, and opinions of the scientific community, assigning a score which allows for comparative evaluations with other universities around the world.

The University of Foggia is in the THE Ranking by Subject this year too.

The results obtained are reported below:

L'Università di Foggia è entrata nel Ranking Times Higher Education Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025 in association with Schmidt Science Fellows nella fascia: 251–300.

THE Interdisciplinary Science Rankings: 

The Censis Ranking of Italian Universities was created to provide guidance for the choices of all students ready to embark on university studies. It is a detailed analysis of the Italian university system (state and non-state universities, divided into homogeneous categories by size), based on the assessment of the facilities available, the services provided, the level of internationalisation, use of 2.0 communication and employability. 


2023-2024 Ranking



  • 1st in Italy for Education and Training
  • 3rd in Italy (1st in Southern Italy) for Agriculture/Forestry and Law
  • 4th in Italy (1st in Southern Italy) for Medicine/Healthcare
  • 1st in Southern Italy for Economics


  • 4th in Italy (1st in Southern Italy) for Dentistry and Orthodontics 
  • 1st in Southern Italy for Law


  • 6th in Italy (1st in Southern Italy) for Education and Training
  • 6th in Italy (1st in Southern Italy) for Sports Sciences
  • 7th in Italy (1st in Southern Italy) for Agriculture/Forestry
  • 1st in Southern Italy for Economics
  • 1st in Southern Italy for Medicine/Healthcare

OVERALL RANKING (medium-sized Universities, 10.000 to 20.000 students enrolled):

overall average score of 81.8 

Relevant data:


Last year's excellent performance is confirmed by the same score this year: 93 out of 100.


Excellent result for this indicator with a score of 87.00 out of 100 (82 last year), 4th best score overall and 1st best score for Southern Italy.

All data for 2023-2024


The score has improved from 81 (last year) to 85 out of 100 this year.

All data for 2023-2024

The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) publishes the largest academic rankings of global universities. The rankings are unique in that:

  • Objective indicators are used for all four key pillars underlying the methodology of the ranking (education, employability, staff, and research) with no reliance on surveys and university data submissions
  • Equal emphasis is put on student-related and staff-related indicators
  • 62 million outcome-based data points are used for this year’s rankings
  • 20,531 universities are ranked according to their academic performance

In 2023, University of Foggia ranks as follows:

World Rank: 1346 out of 20531
Percentile: Top 6.6% in the world
Regional Rank (Europe): 477
National Rank: 58
Research Rank: 1292
Overall Score: 68.6

CWUR 2023

The University of Foggia entered the QS World University Rankings by Subject for the first time in 2022. This is an international and independent ranking that compares the performance of more than 15,200 university degree programmes across 51 academic subjects at 1,543 universities in 88 countries worldwide. It is part of the QS World University Rankings.

The University of Foggia records an excellent performance for the rate of outgoing (5th in Italy and 25th in Europe!) and incoming (5th in Italy and 59th in Europe) international students in the QS Europe University Rankings 2024.

Overall results


THE (Times Higher Education) World University Ranking by subject is the ranking by the British agency which compares 1,904 universities across 83 countries and 13,138 university programmes every year. Entering these rankings means positioning in the top 4-7% worldwide. 



The University of Foggia has been ranked well in the 2024 ranking, with a leap forward of 200 positions in the world ranking compared to last year. It has thus entered the middle of the ranking among all the Italian universities ranked (currently 57).


The best performances have been scored in the following fields:

  • International Outlook: 30.3
  • Teaching: 24.3
  • Research Quality: 65.5
  • Research Enviroment: 24.7


Best results: "Research" and "Citations".

  • Teaching: 17.9
  • Research: 21.3
  • Citations: 55.7
  • Industry Income: 38.8
  • International Outlook: 26.3

Impact 2023

The University of Foggia is in the sustainability ranking of THE (Times Higher Education) Impact in 2023 too. This Ranking assesses universities against the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SDG1 Indicator: NO POVERTY - OVERALL SCORE 70.6 out of 100

The University of Foggia ranked 78 out of 876 eligible institutions, statistically well over the third quartile, i.e. over 75% of the institutions ranked received a lower rating.

Other results:


RANK: 201–300 out of 873 institutions.


RANK: 201–300 out of 910 institutions.

THE Unifg

The results of THE YOUNG Ranking, which focuses on universities under 50 years old, have been released.

The University of Foggia enters the 2021 rankings with an excellent position in the 201-250 band.

The table is based on the same 13 performance indicators as the flagship THE World University Rankings.

Universities are assessed across their core missions - teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook - to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparisons available.

Unifg is also one of the 82 universities (public, private and online) included in U-Multirank for Italy, where it received 8 As (the highest score) in the U-Multirank 2022 ranking. The University of Foggia shows the highest performance in the field of research, receiving as many as 3 As.

UniFG - University of Foggia.

U-multirank Unifg

Education Around, the magazine specialised in education and universities in Italy, also includes the University of Foggia in the ranking of Italian universities. Two general rankings are built, only taking into consideration the public state universities which are members of the AlmaLaurea consortium: a general one and one linked to internationalisation, which is considered a key aspect when assessing a university. The latter ranking therefore considers the ‘raw data’ of the percentage of students - for each university - who spend a period of study abroad during their studies. Unifg ranks 36th in the general ranking, but, on the other hand, it ranks 1st among the three Apulian universities (Bari and Salento, excluding the Polytechnic) and 5th among small universities, again based on the Censis ranking.

Unifg ranks 39th in the international ranking and is among the top universities for Sports Sciences, Medicine (single-cycle degree programmes) and Agriculture (first-cycle degree programmes). An entire page is devoted to Unifg.

The Education Around ranking for 2021 has just been published. It includes 63 state universities and 56 subjects. The University of Foggia ranks 4th for second-cycle degree programmes in Educational Sciences; 9th for second-cycle degree programmes in Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences; and 16th for first-cycle degree programmes in Sports Sciences.

Education Around Unifg

The UI GreenMetric World University Ranking was launched in 2010 and includes information on university’s environmental sustainability. The UI GreenMetric ranking has seen a dramatic increase of participants from 95 universities across 35 countries in 2010 to 912 universities across 84 countries in 2020. The aim of this ranking is to provide an assessment system on the current situation and policies related to Green Campus and Sustainability in universities all over the world. 39 indicators and 6 criteria are taken into consideration, i.e.: Setting and Infrastructure (SI), Energy & Climate Change (CE), Waste (WS), Water (WR), Transportation (TR) and Education (ED).

UI GreenMetric Unifg