Economy, culture, environment. Economic and humanistic sciences for the valorisation of territories

Course description

Academic year:
Type of course:
Number of places:
Number of scholarships:

Course organisation

Coordinator of the course:
Prof. Antonio Corvino - Professore Ordinario SECS-P/07
Relevant structure:
Dipartimento di Economia, Management e Territorio
Expiry date

Call for tenders


I candidati ammessi al Dottorato devono procedere all’immatricolazione on-line su piattaforma dei Servizi on-line Esse3dal giorno 9/11/2021 al 19/11/2021, con le medesime credenziali di accesso utilizzate per la partecipazione al concorso, allegare necessariamente il modulo di immatricolazione con borsa o senza borsa e procedere ai pagamenti richiesti tramite Pago PA.

Si precisa che per i candidati ammessi senza borsa è richiesto l’upload della dichiarazione del reddito.

Contenuti generali del corso

The present Ph.Dproposes an advanced training course in two curricula: “Patrimonies, landscapes, traditions, cultural heritage” and “Economy and entrepreneurship for territorial development”.

The theme of the recovery, management and enhancement of cultural heritage and of the socio-economic performance of the territories, in relation to human and sustainable development, and in a “social” dimension, moreover, cross the humanities and the economic sciences, investing thematic areas interrelated (ERC SH).

The purpose is to train high national and international professionalitiescapable of:

  • analysing territories and heritages (historical, literary, archaeological, artistic, demo-ethnoanthropological, economic, social) in their systemic relationships between tradition, conservation, renewal, fruition, capitalization, also in a tourist-cultural key for the promotion of local territories;
  • analysing the sustainable development of the territories based on the enhancement of environmental and cultural heritage (BAC), with regard to economic potential, innovative business and entrepreneurship models, circular economy, green and blue economy;
  • planning interdisciplinary paths in protection, enhancement, promotion of territories and cultural heritages;
  • promoting the development of communication skills for the divulgation of knowledge and the use of assets.

The course promotes co-tutored thesis, with the opportunity to spend at least a quarterly period at foreign universities.

Requisiti di ammissione

All specialist or Master’s degrees, or any corresponding specialist degree in accordance with Ministerial decree no. 509/99, or any equivalent qualification will be considered.

Sbocchi occupazionali e professionali

The course promotes high specialization in the professional profiles in the enhancement of cultural heritages, in line with the renewed strategies of protection and promotion;B. expert in economicsocial and environmental analysis of the territories, for the formulation of policies and business models for sustainable development of the territory, based on the enhancement of the BAC and on responsible processes for the production of value.

The specialized skills are oriented to meet employment needs in the academic-scientific field and in the public and private, national and international areas: Universities, centres, institutions, companies, third sector, cultural industry.The areas of reference - historical, literary, archaeological, artistic, demo-ethnoanthropological, economic and economic-business, mathematical-statistical, legal, geographic and commodity-related - prefigure figures of operators, consultants, trainers, freelancers experts in sustainable APPENDIX A 3/6 territorial development and enhancement of BAC, landscape-environmental design, architectural recovery, urban and territorial regeneration, education, enhancement and use of cultural heritage, cultural intermediation, communication, publishing and journalism, management / setting up of museums, including onesethnographic and locals, archaeological areas, exhibitions, literary festivals, theatrical performances, planning of the sustainable development of the territory, based on the use of environmental and cultural resources.