The University Quality Committee

The University Quality Committee was established by Resolution of the Academic Senate index no. 123/2012, protocol no. 20650-II.3 of 07/08/2012 and its organisation and functioning are governed by the Functioning Regulations of the Committee (issued by Rector’s Decree no. 759 - 2014, protocol no. 14241 - I/3 of 03/06/2014). 
The presence of the University Quality Committee at the University of Foggia is an essential requirement for accreditation (Ministerial Decree 987/2016). 

The Quality Committee is an internal structure of the university, responsible for promoting the culture of quality within the university and more specifically for ensuring the quality of the teaching structures, research activities and degree programmes. In this respect, it organises and checks the completion of the Annual Forms for the Degree Programmes (Scheda Unica Annuale Corso di Studio, SUA-CDS) and for Departmental Research (Scheda Unica Annuale della Ricerca Dipartimentale, SUA-RD). The Committee suggests and coordinates the implementation of the internal quality assurance model and activates all useful initiatives to promote quality within the University of Foggia.

The Committee is structured internally into single-topic working groups in order to enable each of them to become expert in the activity they are going to monitor and review, in terms of internal quality.
Within the Departments, the Quality Assurance Groups and Joint Committees of Teachers and Students (Commissioni Paritetiche Docenti Studenti, CP-DS) play a leading role in ensuring Quality. The Quality Assurance Groups provide for filling out the Annual Forms for the Degree Programmes (SUA-CDS) correctly and for drafting the Review Report, ensuring that the quality system strives for continuous improvement. The Joint Committees have been set up in accordance with the University's teaching regulations and there is one single committee for all the Degree Programmes belonging to a department

Membership of the Quality Committee



Full members:


Functioning of the University quality committee
Funzionamento del Presidio della qualità di Ateneo

Organizzazione e funzionamento del Presidio della qualità di Ateneo.