The Academic Senate is the place where all the components, demands and different scientific, educational and cultural areas of the academic community are represented. It provides the guidelines of the academic policy and monitors their achievement, playing a driving and advisory role and being responsible for political and institutional control. In particular, it makes proposals and expresses opinions for planning, teaching, research, and students’ services. It also performs coordination and liaison with the departments and the inter-departmental structures which may be established, and takes the initiative for the motion of no-confidence in the rector. It approves the university regulations falling within its sphere of competence, as well as the regulations of the teaching and research structures. It shall assess the existence of the subjective requirements for internal and external candidates for the office of members of the board of directors and select the candidates. It decides on violations of the code of ethics and promotes cooperation with other universities and national and international cultural research institutions. It also ensures constant liaison with institutions and social and production forces..
- Lorenzo Lo Muzio - President
Heads of Department:
- Agostino Sevi - agriculture
- Donatella Curtotti - law
- Gaetano Serviddio - medicine
- Sebastiano Valerio - humanities
Teaching staff:
- Antonia Carlucci - agriculture
- Laura de Palma - agriculture
- Vittoria Pilone - economics
- Roberta Sisto - economics
- Antonia Rosa Gurrieri - law
- Gianpaolo Maria Ruotolo - law
- Lorenzo Lo Muzio - medicine
- Giuseppe Stefano Netti - medicine
- Caterina Celeste Berardi - humanities
- Grazia Maria Masselli - humanities
- Roberta D'Isidoro - agriculture
- Federico Mennella - economics
- Alessandro Barrasso - law
- Chiara Fratto - medicine
- Rosa Chiara Vescera - humanities
Technical and administrative staff:
- Carolina Coletta
- Costantino Dell’Osso
- Vito Ruberto
The following participate with an advisory vote:
- the Deputy Rector, who, in the absence of the Rector, chairs the Academic Senate with full vote, as well as the other Deputy Rector, if appointed;
- the President of the University Evaluation Committee or the President’s delegate who is a member of the Evaluation Committee;
- the Director General, who acts as the secretary taking the minutes; in the event of the Director General’s absence, the Director's deputy performs the Director General’s duties;
- in the event that an educational-scientific-cultural area is divided into several Departments, pursuant to Article 46 of the Statute, the other Director who has not been elected.
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Area Affari generali
Servizio Organi collegiali, normativa e procedure elettorali
Unità Organi collegiali