Official food and beverage control officer and food safety expert

Course description

Academic year:
Type of course:
€ 3000.00
Number of places:
min. 35 - max 60

Course organisation

Coordinator of the course:
Prof. Giovanni Normanno
Scientific area:
Area 07 - Scienze agrarie e veterinarie
Relevant structure:
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimenti, Risorse Naturali e Ingegneria
Course status:
Data di scadenza bando

Call for tenders

Learning objectives

The educational objectives to be achieved with the ACUAB master consist in providing the learner with a thorough preparation in the field of official control of food of animal origin and in the field of food safety.

In particular, the training objectives are aimed at the creation of a qualified professional figure able to perform the function of official food controller within the National Health System or as a consultant or quality manager within organizations operating in the agro food sector.