The VQR 2015/2019 - Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca (Evaluation of Research Quality) - is the procedure to assess the results of scientific research published in the period 2015-2019 and the impact of Third Mission activities carried out by Italian State and non-State Universities, by public Research Institutes supervised by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MUR) and by other public and private bodies carrying out research activities. This is an exercise that ANVUR - the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes - carries out as part of its institutional activities.
The evaluation is referred to Institutions (Universities) and to their internal structures (Departments and similar structures), at the level of Scientific Area too.
The VQR 2015 - 2019 is divided into 17 Scientific Areas of Research and 1 interdisciplinary Area related to Third Mission activities as listed in Table 1 of the Call. ANVUR has established a Group of Evaluation Experts (GEV - Gruppo di Esperti della Valutazione) for each Area, entrusted with the task of evaluating the research products.
The research products of teachers and researchers working for the Institution as of 1 November 2019 and belonging to the following categories are considered for the evaluation:
a) Full Professors, Associate Professors, and Researchers referred to in art. 24, paragraph 3, (a) and (b) of law 240/2010, researchers with a permanent contract, contract holders pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 12, of law no. 230 dated 4 November 2005, and assistant professors.
For the call 2015-2019, a maximum number of products was set for each university, that corresponds to three times the number of teachers and researchers working for that Institution as of 1 November 2019, with a researcher being allowed to submit up to four products. With regard to the Third Mission, the current VQR requires a number of case studies to be submitted equal to half the number of departments.
Research products consisting of the following (according to Art. 5 of the Call for Proposals) are taken into account for the VQR:
- Scientific monograph and related products;
- Journal article;
- Book article;
- Article in conference proceedings;
- Other types of scientific products (only if accompanied by official elements allowing to identify the author and production date - e.g. drawings, databases, architectural plans, performances, etc.);
- Patents granted in the five-year period of the VQR (from 1/1/2015 to 31/12/2019). Any products submitted as part of the Third Mission evaluation are not eligible for evaluation.
The quality assessment is based on the criteria of originality, methodological rigour and proven or potential impact.
Structures are also assessed with respect to recruitment and research training policies.